
The main difference between weighted skipping and ordinary skipping is that it increases body weight, makes skipping difficult, and consumes more heat.
Rope skipping is a hand-to-foot exercise that helps to increase the flexibility and coordination of the body. It is also a high-calorie exercise that is very helpful for weight loss and physical fitness.
Ordinary people are just good at skipping ropes, such as one-foot or two-foot jumps or double-rocking. If you feel relaxed, you can wear weight-bearing skipping ropes by wearing weight-bearing vests, which can increase the intensity of exercise and enhance the exercise effect.
Notes on skipping: Do warm-up activities, especially the stretching of the knee and ankle joints; don't stretch the skip continuously for too long, pay attention to the interval; strictly control the weight of the skip rope to prevent sports injuries caused by excessive exercise.
Weight-bearing emphasis on anaerobic exercise, which can build muscle, while ordinary ones can exercise, aerobic exercise, to reduce the effect of arms.
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