
Slide disc is a kind of fitness AIDS, which is characterized by the use of overcoming sliding power, but the whole body muscles and joints exercise.Many pad exercises can build core strength, such as hip Bridges, push-ups, and quadrupedal side lunges. If you add sliding discs to these pad exercises, core strength can be improved to a greater extent.
The disc can be placed under your hands or under your feet.The slide tray has a smooth side that allows easy sliding across the training floor.So when the trainer is on the skis, the feet or hands can easily slide on the ground.In order to overcome the power of gliding, trainers need to mobilize all muscle groups to adapt to this core and stability training.This kind of sliding training, can stimulate the waist abdominal and buttock muscle, increase training effect.
Additional, slide dish volume is small, facilitate carry, and receive easily, to the trainer that wants to keep fit in the family, it is very good training assistant.
Special tip: If the floor of the home is smooth (such as a waxed wood floor), it is suggested that the frosted face is facing the ground and the smooth face is placed under the feet.If there is a lot of friction on the ground itself, you can bring the smooth side toward the ground, feet on the frosted surface.If you feel unwell during the training, please stop the training in time and try the training again after adjustment.Stop training immediately if you have noticeable tingling or other strong symptoms of discomfort.
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