
If you want to have a pair of beautiful legs, then start by training the hips. Exercise stretches the muscles of the buttocks, making the buttocks more uplifted, so that the legs look tighter and slender. Today I teach you this set of movements, you can lift your hips and shape beautiful legs according to these 3 steps. What are you waiting for?
1. The first is to stretch the muscles and improve the twisting of the leg muscles. This is a shortcut for shaping the hips and beautiful legs.
Tip: When exercising, consciously increase the load on the part marked on the picture.
1. Tilt your back down so that you can put your palms between your waist and the floor, then lie on your back. Hold the knee with both hands and pull towards the front chest, keeping the knee close to the chest. Try to push your knees in the opposite direction.
2. With both hands around the back of the knee, the toes are tightened upward, and the knee is straightened. Keep the raised leg as close as possible to the chest. Open your chest and don't let your shoulders leave the floor. Hold this action for 20 seconds.
3. Open your feet, the distance between the two feet is the size of a fist. Keep your toes straight forward, palms and soles against the ground, and raise your hips upward. Straighten your knees, and keep your heels up and down 20 times while keeping your knees straight.
4. Set the feet to face each other, and then sit in this position with a palm distance between them. Straighten the pelvis and stretch the inner thigh consciously while keeping the knee close to the floor. Do this action for 20 seconds.
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