
For office workers, abdominal fat accumulation, resulting in the appearance of the bucket waist, belly belly, now every day to adhere to the roll-ups and sit-ups, 20 groups, each group interval of 10 seconds, 5 to 8 groups of training, want to use abdominal chakri, how to use the correct abdominal chakri to reduce abdominal fat?How to shape lumbar abdomen muscle line and do not injure lumbar?
What is the abdominal roller for? It is used to strengthen the abdominal muscles and shape the abdomen.
Abdominal push-pull requires a certain training foundation, so it is not suitable for entry-level fitness enthusiasts.
How to use the abdominal roller exactly? First of all, your core strength should be up to a certain standard, standard plank at least 1 minute of ease, At least 20 standard rolls in a single group and at least 20 standard flat floor push-ups.
It is better to buy the roller with bearings, it is very smooth and quiet, and more durable than the one without bearings.
Only the shoulder, hip and knee joints (or six in pairs) are active when doing this. Be sure to lock your elbows, whether bent or straight, or risk having your front teeth reattached. If you call the direction you face when you kneel "forward," make sure your hands and wheels are absolutely in front of your head the whole time.
If you have a sudden stabbing pain in your abdominal muscles, stop immediately. It could be that you haven't warmed up enough or that your abs aren't up to scratch. Then, depending on the situation, decide if you want to continue to work on your tummy, If you continue, reduce the amount (we'll talk about how to reduce the amount/difficulty later). If you have any discomfort with your shoulder, stop to adjust your posture or stand up and relax for a while. Don't stick to it, or you'll end up in trouble. If there is any discomfort in the spine, immediately reduce the range of motion, never stiffen.
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