
We all know to warm up before exercise
But do you know what action preparation is?
Action preparation
Action preparation is a set of effective, systematic, and individual practice methods prepared to meet athletes’ daily training. It emphasizes the use of dynamic stretching for exercises with increasing intensity, which can increase body temperature, effectively stretch muscles, and increase Joint range of motion, activation of muscle proprioception, and gradually increase neuromuscular excitability.
Although traditional warm-up activities and warm-up activities can also play the above role
But action preparation can establish effective feedback between the nervous system and the muscular system
And improve the economy of the action, and improve the efficiency of the training action!
Did our warm-up exercise really mobilize the whole body?
Research findings
In sports practice, it is difficult for athletes to mobilize buttocks muscles to participate in sports
Most of the muscles in the front of the thigh are overused, mainly the quadriceps
Such repeated take-offs and landings can easily cause knee joint damage
The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the human body. It can provide powerful strength and explosive power. It is a power source like an engine, and it is the middle hub connecting the upper limb movement chain and the lower limb movement chain. So if there is a problem with the gluteal muscles, it will cause problems with the spine, knee joints, ankle joints, etc.
The training of the buttocks muscles is inseparable from a small tool that is the elastic ring. Elastic ring exercises can activate the buttocks muscles, strengthen the active force of the gluteus maximus in the exercise mode, and reduce the knee joint pain caused by the weak gluteus muscle.
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